The Knob Has Been Turned, Will You Open the Door?

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3D Angel Eyes (Moderator)
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The Knob Has Been Turned, Will You Open the Door?

Post by PressBot »

Never underestimate the importance of customer service. They are a company’s eyes and ears, and they are the most important interaction a company will ever have with their revenue generating customers. Let’s face it, you can love a product to death, but if the customer service interaction was less than what was hoped, it is a serious barrier for buying a product.

I would like to take a moment to commend Valve Software’s customer service department.

Denaris sent an email to Valve’s customer service asking if their Source engine is stereoscopic 3D compatible. Source is the engine used in Counter Strike Source and Half Life 2.

This is how they responded[/b]:

"The Source engine does not officially support Stereoscopic 3D. However, it appears that many users have been able to get it working. As you have already mentioned, it looks like Meant to Be Seen is going to be the best resource for that."

This answer isn’t the discovery of big bang theory or anything, but it tells us a few things:

1. This isn’t a canned response. He took the time to learn what S-3D is, and he put some research into his answer.
2. He acknowledged MTBS. I was really flattered by his response, and I think it demonstrates that we are continually earning credibility in the industry.
3. This is the most important thing of all: MTBS members are valued customers. If we are tactful, honest, and sincere, video game developers will treat us as customers and answer our questions.

Now that we know that customer service is there to serve customers, we should politely ask if or which of their games are MTBS certified. I know what you’re thinking: "Neil! Don’t you already have the answer?!?"

You are partially correct. We have already invested thousands of dollars to test video games and have not benefited from PR free-bees like other review sites. We took this measure because we really believe in what we are doing, and it was the only way to build a video game library quickly without having to wait on MTBS acknowledgment.

If we reveal our results, the first game developers to come forward lose the benefit of having an advantage over their competitors, and MTBS becomes just another website with software reviews.

On the other hand, if a game developer asks for their results, which is completely free, certification is a two way street. They will be an active partner in releasing games that are compatible with your S-3D solution, and they will benefit from complimentary promotion to the highest value gamers in the industry. I want that two way street, and I think you do too.

So, in a tactful manner, please follow Denaris’ lead, ask the questions that need answering, and we will reach our ultimate goal of 100% S-3D compatible video games.

Post your comments HERE[/b]!

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