Neil's Messy Basement: Episode 32

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3D Angel Eyes (Moderator)
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Neil's Messy Basement: Episode 32

Post by Neil »

Wow has this episode of Neil's Messy Basement been a long time coming!

This edition is all about sound on PC.  While it started as a review of the Creative Labs Sound Blaster AE5 sound card, the process of reviewing this product made this episode so much more.

In brief, I really like the Sound BlasterX AE5 card; there shouldn't be any surprises there.  The bigger question is why, and to answer this, I needed to get a fundamental understanding of how audio works, the terminology regularly boasted by the marketing gurus, what the modern day baseline is for PC audio so I have what to compare to, and factor in the unique needs and perspectives of a VR gamer versus a traditional gamer.

While it's much better to watch from beginning to end, the episode has been divided into chapters if you need to fastforward to specific parts.

This whole episode was a learning experience and I know that much was simplified here.  Feel free to share your own knowledge and experiences below.

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One Eyed Hopeful
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Re: Neil's Messy Basement: Episode 32

Post by motionsay »

Talk about the devil. For Star Trek Bridge Crew, Red Storm has made a patch available that directly adds WMR functionality. I'll give it a try later, but I believe it will fix the bizarre elbow issue I encountered using the SteamVR plug-in for the review.
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