The Golden Opportunity

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3D Angel Eyes (Moderator)
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The Golden Opportunity

Post by PressBot »

Check this article[/b] out.

According to Gabe Newel, President of Valve Software and makers of Half-life 2, releasing DirectX 10 as a Windows Vista ONLY product was ?a terrible mistake?. According to their findings, only one in fifty players has both Windows Vista and a DirectX 10 compatible graphics card installed.

According to the article, when developers release cross platform games that include the Xbox 360 and Sony Playstation, developers seek the lowest common technology denominator, and that leaves DirectX 10 being featured in a tiny number of games. In fact, in the case of Half-Life 2, even though it features DX10 support, it is for speed enhancement purposes only, and offers virtually no visual improvement over DX9.

Working on the premise that lowest common denominator technology always takes priority, in this case consoles, how does this impact S-3D in PC gaming?

I think this is good news because proper rendering technique is not specific to certain platforms, and S-3D gaming does not require special coding or expensive programming layers. Stereoscopic 3D is the game developers? golden opportunity to offer exciting game play far above modern game consoles, and unlike the Windows Vista/DX10 combination, this will avoid excluding their current audiences by continuing to benefit from the same standards between platforms.

Post your comments HERE[/b].

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