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Prince of Persia The Sands of Time

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2009 4:13 am
by genetic
Any luck with this one?

I got Prince of Persia The Sands of Time last week thinking that it would work great because it was from 2003 but it turns out that it has post prossesing that I cant turn off.


Re: Prince of Persia The Sands of Time

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 10:58 pm
by iondrive

So it works for you in s3d, right? It's just that bad ghosting you're talking about. I don't know how to fix that but here's my notes on The Sands of Time:


Prince of Persia, The Sands of Time: old-school nvidia


s3d works but software ghosting can be very bad and HUD can also be a problem.
Use drivers 78.01 or single core mode with 91.31 or greater.
Usable bad HUD, Help-text too close/offscreen, Health-bar too close but usable.
Use smaller 3d settings with large-screen projector to help solve HUD-too-close problem.
Game needs autoconvergence in order to look/work better in s3d.

Game notes:

Camera - a 3rd person game but has temporary 1st person and far-away area views. Mouse controls camera angle and zoom but not character movement.
This is the one where he starts in a battle in a castle wearing baggy white pants. ;)

nvidia issues: tested with 7800GTX

1) freezes on 3d toggle - fix: use single core mode
(drivers 91.31 and 162.50.)

2) HUD - bad depth - no fix but usable if you don't need on-screen help-text.
Details: Help-text offscreen, Health-bar too close but visible.
No plane control and setting HW-TnL off causes crash on start.
Workaround: Use smaller 3d settings with big-screen projector to help solve HUD problem.

3) Software ghosting - no known fix yet.
Explanation: You can see ghosting in a 3d screenshot even when veiwed in 2d.
Workaround: Converge on character.

3d settings notes:

3d settings are in Registry under _NewFakeLink until next "_NewFakeLink" game is run and Convergence is changed and saved.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Nvidia Corporation\Global\Stereo3d\Gameconfigs\_NewFakeLink

StereoConvergence = 40930822 hex
StereoTextureEnable = 1 does not seem to help any.
Separation = 18% on a 17 inch CRT (set this in the nvidia "desktop right-click" control panel)

miscellaneous notes:

I haven't played this game much so it's possible that more s3d issues show up in later levels. Nvidia's game-notes say that explosions, fire, and lighted objects are 2D.
Can play with various effects enabled.
PoP, The Two Thrones, Special Edition includes 2 more games (Sands of Time and Warrior Within)
DX9, 1.25GB hard drive space, from 2003

--- iondrive ---