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Wii uDraw/Drawsome! Extension Support

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2021 12:12 am
by Mervius
I have been messing around with this program a bit and was wondering if there is currently any existing way to detect inputs from a Wii uDraw tablet and/or the Drawsome! tablet extensions either in the program itself or via plugin.

I did find an old program that maps the uDraw tablet to your mouse and can act as a PPJoy input, but that's not super helpful as I'm not trying to do the first thing and the second thing doesn't work anymore on modern software, nor can you disable the mapping to your mouse which is annoying. This program does show me that implementation might not be impossible, but I would really have no idea where to start on making it myself, so I am hoping something for FreePIE already exists that implements one or both of these devices.

Any help would be appreciated.