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Wiimote for presentations

Posted: Wed May 13, 2020 7:35 pm
by JohnnyCiocca
Hi everyone! I tried searching around for how to use the wiimote on powerpoint, but the best I could find was a dead GlovePIE script @ ... windows-7/ - and since I'm awful at programming, I thought I'd try to ask for some help around.

I dunno if I'm a really bad reader, but I couldn't find very good documentation about how to do things on my own. When I compare that old script, I understand what "Wiimote.Led1 = true" does, but from what I've seen at ... ng-Started and on the reference ... ce#wiimote there's no such thing on FreePIE, is this correct?

The GlovePIE script is below, any help (even just some pointers, like "ok, for the led you do this") will be really appreciated!

I still wanna learn how to do this with FreePIE, but just in case other find my post searching for this, I also found Wiimote Presenter ( ... edirects=0), works nicely on Windows 10 using compatibility mode to Vista.

Code: Select all

// Wiimote script for navigating a pptPlex presentation
// To get the laser cursor in presentation mode create a new string registry key in
// HKCU\Software\Microsoft\OfficeLabs\PlexPorPPT\
// call the new entry 'Wii' and set it to 'True'

// Led 1&4 should be on when everything is working
Wiimote.Led1 = true
Wiimote.Led4 = true

// Ignore cursor movement caused by clicking a button
var.ButtonFreezeTime = 250ms
var.PointerBump = KeepDown(Pressed(wiimote.A),var.ButtonFreezeTime) or KeepDown(Pressed(wiimote.B),var.ButtonFreezeTime)

// Mouse movement
if wiimote.PointerVisible but not var.PointerBump then
  mouse.x = wiimote.PointerX
  mouse.y = wiimote.PointerY
end if

// Mouse Buttons
mouse.LeftButton   = Wiimote.A and KeepDown(Wiimote.PointerVisible,0.5s)
mouse.RightButton  = Wiimote.B and KeepDown(Wiimote.PointerVisible,0.5s)

// Handle zooming using +/-
if wiimote.Plus then
  mouse.WheelUp = true
  end if
if wiimote.Minus then
  mouse.WheelDown = true
end if

// Map controller buttons to keyboard input
keyboard.PageDown  = Wiimote.Right
keyboard.PageUp    = Wiimote.Left
keyboard.Home      = Wiimote.Home

// Acceleration thresholds for moving next / previous
var.xHit = 2.0
var.yHit = 2.0

var.xRot = Wiimote1.gx
var.yRot =

var.hit = (var.xRot < -var.xHit) || (var.yRot < -var.yHit);

// Hit and press 1 - move to previous viewport
if (var.hit and wiimote.One) then
   keyboard.PageUp = true
   wait 30ms
   keyboard.PageUp = false
   wait 30ms
// Hit and press 2 - move to next section
else if (var.hit and wiimote.Two) then
   keyboard.Ctrl= true
   keyboard.PageDown = true
   wait 30ms
   keyboard.Ctrl= false
   keyboard.PageDown = false
   wait 30ms
// Hit - move to next viewport
else if (var.hit) then
   keyboard.PageDown = true
   wait 30ms
   keyboard.PageDown = false
   wait 30ms
end if