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Remoting a Hydra

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2020 6:29 pm
by Jabberwock
Due to various concerns I would like to play games with VRidge at another location than the one with the computer. As far as the HMD (i.e. the phone) is concerned, this is not a problem, as it runs off WiFi. However, this leaves me without controllers (normally I play with a Razer Hydra). I have an HTPC at the location I want to play at, so it could be used to run FreePIE and gather Hydra data as well as positional data. On the gaming computer I might run FreePIE with the fake sixsense dll and emulate Razer Hydra inputs and location. However, I have no idea how to send/receive the data over the LAN?

Re: Remoting a Hydra

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2020 2:49 am
by CyberVillain
FreePIE IO plugin only support shared memory pipeline. Someone should abstract method of transportation and support both shared memory pipeline and sockets. Sadly I do not have the time to implement this.

Re: Remoting a Hydra

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2020 4:32 am
by Jabberwock
I am looking through examples of osc libraries, in the hope that maybe one of them is simple enough to be adapted for a FreePIE plugin. But do not hold your breath, my programming skills were always rather rudimentary and even that got a bit rusty...

Re: Remoting a Hydra

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2020 2:13 pm
by Jabberwock
New developments: it turns out that there is a commercial solution for sharing an USB device. For now I am testing out the free version... This works quite well, so I thought of adding one more element: location with Kinect over freetrack. I though that I would gather the data on the remote computer with Opentrack, get it with Opentrack on the target computer and output to freetrack again. However, as it turns out, OpenTrack does not accept Freetrack as input, only as output. I know that I can output from FreePIE to joystick data and get that into Opentrack, but this would require precise recalibration...

Re: Remoting a Hydra

Posted: Mon May 04, 2020 1:04 pm
by Jabberwock
Writing a plugin seems a bit too daunting for me now, so I have made a workaround: FreePIE sends OSC messages (which works), but it cannot receive them, so I capture them with GlovePIE and send to a virtual TrackIR, which is then intercepted by FreePIE and converted to FreeTrack.