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Help with lenses and IPD

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 3:38 pm
by WedgeSD
Hey guys I'm in the process of building my first DIY HMD! Everything is going together great but I have a few questions/concerns. I'm building my HMD using a 5.6" 1280x800 LCD I bought from njytouch. The screen came from china WAY faster then I expected (8 days from pressing buy to my doorstep in California!). Anyway, I got caught with my pants down and haven't ordered my lenses yet. I had inteded on ordering the 5x asphiric lenses on eBay that palmertech suggested on this forum. In the mean time I've been experimenting with some cheap-o 7x eye loops I used to build an FOV to go. On the FOV to go with my iPhone 4 they worked just fine. But with the 5.6" LCD I get a very pronounced double image. The only way I can get a single image is if I spread the ipd so far that the right lens is only showing the right part of the screen and the left lens the left part. If I sit and fiddle with ipd for long enough I can get the double image to go away every once in awhile but when I do the 3d is very weak. I have read that convergence can be an issue with a diy set up but that with a 5.6" screen it shouldn't be an issue.
Now I know that one of the reasons we use an aspheric lens is because it has a much wider viewable ipd. So basically my question is. Will get the correct lenses fix the issue I'm having? Or are there some other lenses/fixes you guys can suggest?

Thanks in advance!

Re: Help with lenses and IPD

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 1:39 pm
by kmiecik57

Have you tried splitting the screen in half with some cardboard or something like that?

Re: Help with lenses and IPD

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 5:28 pm
by cybereality
The left lens should ONLY should the left side and the right lens ONLY the right side.

Are you sure you are displaying proper 3D content?