Microsoft Xbox 360 Stereo 3d gaming

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Microsoft Xbox 360 Stereo 3d gaming

Post by Dom »

Hi I don't know how the future of console gaming goes for CAVES and virtual reality considering I got a response from Edimensional 3d systems specifying there is not a solution for desktop stereo 3d. Even with Microsoft Windows Vista having enabled directx to run all 2d/3d runtimes ect. Anyways, would it be better to have an Xbox 360 console redisigned into a PCI Card or even a PCI-E Express x16 bus card? I know the consoles are on sale at stores and the games generate alot of extra income for decreased hardware costs so if Microsoft made a PC solution would anyone bother with it. Even if you can attach an Xbox 360 to a HDTV along side a PC it still does not give stereo 3D unless you use the stereo gaming box for CRT's from Edimensional. Alls that would be needed is all the XBox's nessisarry hardware gathered up onto a PC card don't know about USB though, but along with an Xbox 360 DVD Installer so we can open Xbox Live and configure controllers, keymaps, screen resolutionon for Microsoft Windows "Newer" and support from ATI, Nvidia or Samsung, Phillips, Mitsubishi, Hitachi, Sony, and alot other manufacturers. Well just to say "there are some games just for consoles, and pc games". Moslty stereo 3d games for pc and none for Xbox 360, I think? :mrgreen: My System specs In HTML


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Re: Microsoft Xbox 360 Stereo 3d gaming

Post by android78 »

Ummm... Not quite sure if this is a question, statement or just general topic of discussion.
IMHO I would like to see a console that is designed specifically for stereo 3D. The problem with that at the moment (as far as I can see) is to know what sort of video interface it should have since it seems there is no standard S3D defined that is being used by all manufacturers of stereoscopic displays.
Honestly, I use my PC for work/research. If I want to play a game, I want it to be in my lounge room with a beer in one hand, not my study. I believe I'm not alone with this thought given the popularity of consoles. Also, given how cheap consoles are, I don't see the point in having to purchase additional hardware for my PC to play xbox games... Just get an xbox 360 (about $250AUD) and never have to worry about incompatible hardware!
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Re: Microsoft Xbox 360 Stereo 3d gaming

Post by WheatstoneHolmes »

android78 wrote:and never have to worry about incompatible hardware!
I hear that! :shutter
I came here to chew bubblegum and to see 3D...and I'm all out of bubblegum!
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Re: Microsoft Xbox 360 Stereo 3d gaming

Post by cybereality »

I'm not so sure we will see stereo3d on the consoles any time soon. Sure there will be some games released here and there, but I'm talking about as a standard, thats some ways off. I know Sony demoed the PS3 running some games in stereo3d at a recent trade show, so there is some interest in the field but thats about it. Basically the display manufacturers are going to have to create a standard before you can expect the content creators to support it. Thats not going to happen for a few years at least. Maybe on the Xbox720 or something.
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Re: Microsoft Xbox 360 Stereo 3d gaming

Post by Dom »

More about console gaming and what consoles can do is that, all in all any type of video game is good anywhere, It's almost like watching television. Now with supreme graphics like God of War 2 maybe, looks quite good from the trailers. So modern equiped homes, basements or gaming rooms should have a PC that is able to be in a relaxed enviroment. Most folks have a laptop to take across town, that must be relaxing in the best. Myself with my PC I can operate just like a console with a Logitech Cordless Rumble Pad 2, I can play Fifa XX, NHL XX, NFL XX, Racing XX, and alot of others so long as I have the CD\DVD, all from having my feet in the air or I could even lay onto the floor and play on the ceiling. I do have consoles like Playstation 2 and Nintendo Gamecube with one of my favories Fight Night Round 2,3. I find it the two gamings the same as in quality and satasfaction. When Sony released their Playstation 3 they must have been at their wits end cause of the size of it. The gamecube was made to save space and volumecubed to the PS3 is like x6. It's almost like laserdisc they were the size of a pizza and now the size of a donut. quality not assured. In the fact that stereo 3d consoles are new is that I doubt that very much as from the processor age data technicians and select folks that are into real gaming i'm sure had solutions available in years 1973-1989, even some 3d/2d games back then were aweinspiroring to be had and mastered. :) My System specs In HTML


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Re: Microsoft Xbox 360 Stereo 3d gaming

Post by ellenthy »

What's the difference between XBox 360 Pro and XBox 360 elite; and, is the elite worth the price? XBox 360 Pro runs $299 on Amazon, the elite is $399. The only differences seem to be an extra 60 GB memory, the black finish and the HDMI cable. Is the Elite better than the Pro in other ways, and it is worth the money?
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Re: Microsoft Xbox 360 Stereo 3d gaming

Post by Dom »

Hi I am sure both systems with different specifications are supreme in capabilities but i suppose if you are going to use your xbox360 as a media center extender or to store high def videos and such audio high volume mass storage files you should always look at a bigger disk drive. Usually it's like 15 cents to 20 cents a gigabyte which is a good deal. Anyways I always get the box set unit that you think is the nicest for your home theatre attraction and matching components color and tv set. :wink: My System specs In HTML


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Re: Microsoft Xbox 360 Stereo 3d gaming

Post by InlineTwin »

Console manufacturers are likely to make a driver and advertise it for the 3D capable TV sets. It is a solution for the near future. given the trend all game houses want to unify the architecture of the games, they are likely to push against making yet another release for your outdated TV set.
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Re: Microsoft Xbox 360 Stereo 3d gaming

Post by pixel67 »

A truly upgradeable console has been on my wish list for many years and at one time i thought we were going to get it with the Phantom game console, but no luck and i am sure the existing console industry had a hand in it's death. It really is a shame that MS and Sony don't create such a machine as standards exist to make this possible.

Consider the MXM Standard for GPU "Modules"
CPU Module (not intended for gaming, just a technology example)
Memory has always been sold in modules

I just don't get the shortsightedness of effectively having a "toaster" for gaming. I personally would spend a couple hundred bucks to upgrade my PS3 if I could to enable new functionality like 1080P 3D or the ability to run the latest and greatest games. Extending the life of my existing investment should be a priority to them. The industry would still benefit from having a target development environment, we just wouldn't be filling up landfills with old technology once the latest generation arrives. Sure, eventually you would need a forklift but hopefully at a slower pace. This is why PC Gaming exists in my opinion simply because no one has figured out that you can actually converge the two and truly have a high end console. Create a simple user upgradeable chassis, put resources behind defining expansion modules as technology advances, and be profitable. It would also create value behind different bundles as mentioned above rather than just HD space. If I were in Nvidia's shoes right now, I would create such a machine that runs PC games using Fermi as the core that directly competes with consoles. They own the technology to create a kick-ass, SFF gaming system...
Hmmm, sounds like a good market for Apple... they could call it the iGame.

Until then, I will continue to have both console and PC hooked up to a projector and game quietly from my sofa (mostly on a PC in 3D of course).
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Re: Microsoft Xbox 360 Stereo 3d gaming

Post by rajkosto »

haha, upgradeable consoles,youre hillarious
the reason they would NEVER do this is because game makers would always target the most available market, aka, the first version of the console with NO UPGRADES. so all the upgrades would become pointless.
besides, one plus of the consoles to the manufacturers is that its a tightly controlled ecosystem, running 100% trusted code on 100% trusted hardware, so compatibility is 100%.
the best you can hope is that the current 360 and ps3 do half resolution 3d over hdmi 1.3, and that there will be new consoles out soon with enough horsepower to do true 3d
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Re: Microsoft Xbox 360 Stereo 3d gaming

Post by pixel67 »

They would still have their controlled ecosystem as it would be a MS or Sony upgrade, not a free for all like it is with PC Gaming where there are 100 video cards to choose from. As far as what developers support, they will support what is released and what the customers demand.
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Re: Microsoft Xbox 360 Stereo 3d gaming

Post by Dom »

Hi the consoles like xbox 360 could make use of its usb port for a 3d glasses accessory easily just like how nvidia's 3d vision is now. The glasses could come with a remote control to select an onscreen panel showing all the settings for convergence and depth voluming and such. The manufacturers I think can make glasses easy but they had the problem with 60hz tvs in that they would ghost and cause strobbing because of the refresh rates, they were to low and the signal from the glasses were not blinking at the exact time to stop the headache strobbing. I useed 120hz on my crt monitor and really think that depth and ghosting looses over more hertz. In gaming we cannot have ripping, distortion and out of focus viewing for stereo3d. This is the key factor in setting up a truly imersive experience. If there is no color correction even with gamma, brightness and contrast, still not another one? the whole picture is messed up and the greys and whites and colors are messed up in every different portion of a map. This is mainly to do with advanced game rendering but still is a problem.

So why cannot there be a 120hz similator filter for 60hz lcd monitors and hdtvs. The dongle could have this function built right into them. If there is a sub filter for the glasses there could also be two lcd shutters on each lens to abide and stop the strobbing at 60hz. With a 120hz software simulation code all that would happens is a overlay filter on the lcd hdtv or monitor screen would darken and emulate a crisper image. So what you would see is 120hz with a multiplier x2 of 60hz for compatabilty amoung other glasses. I think it would be better to have a mass market of 3dtv than just to have a niche market. My System specs In HTML


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Re: Microsoft Xbox 360 Stereo 3d gaming

Post by GordoSan »

cybereality wrote:I'm not so sure we will see stereo3d on the consoles any time soon. Sure there will be some games released here and there, but I'm talking about as a standard, thats some ways off. I know Sony demoed the PS3 running some games in stereo3d at a recent trade show, so there is some interest in the field but thats about it. Basically the display manufacturers are going to have to create a standard before you can expect the content creators to support it. Thats not going to happen for a few years at least. Maybe on the Xbox720 or something.
I know this is an old post, but this is also my belief. Stereoscopic gaming will be nothing more than a toe dipping in the 3D waters this generation, just as HD resolution gaming was last console generation.

Sony's attitude seems much more serious now than they did 6 months ago, but I still have to wonder to what degree they will commit. Will they risk a loss in graphical fidelity in exchange for 3D, with AAA games? Will the developers share Sony's enthusiasm?

Frankly, I'm surprised by MS's recent "wait and see" attitude, while Sony takes advantage of the recent 3D craze. I dunno, but I was hoping for at least 1 3D game when Natal launches. Since Natal is a 3D input device, the 2 technologies seem like a perfect match, to me. Maybe they are waiting to go "all in" on the next console, after all........

There was also a rumor from this past June, where Microsoft was planning to time the next console release around 3D HDTV saturation:
It's not our intention to tease you, but for now the only thing I'm going to say about everything I heard regarding the next Xbox is that it won't launch until a certain type of television becomes more widespread because... in addition to built-in Natal tech, a key feature of the next Xbox would be full HD stereoscopic 3D visuals similar to 3D movie theatres. ... the-Truth/
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Re: Microsoft Xbox 360 Stereo 3d gaming

Post by movieguy »

rajkosto wrote:haha, upgradeable consoles,youre hillarious
HAHAHA. I second that! It already exists! Upgradeable console = PC.

Invincible Tiger for xbox 360 and PS3 is a stereoscopic 3D game and it's been out for months
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Re: Microsoft Xbox 360 Stereo 3d gaming

Post by wuhlei »

I hope you don't mean anaglyph.

Any thing new about stereo support for the xbox? should be easier to support stereo on the xbox then the ps3 right?
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Re: Microsoft Xbox 360 Stereo 3d gaming

Post by BlackShark »

Nintendo 64 was upgradeable : you could increase the console RAM with the expansion pack.
It was required for some games like Rogue squadron and Perfect Dark.
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Re: Microsoft Xbox 360 Stereo 3d gaming

Post by motorman45 »

wuhlei wrote:I hope you don't mean anaglyph.

Any thing new about stereo support for the xbox? should be easier to support stereo on the xbox then the ps3 right?

the Xbox dose 3D really well i think. here is a video of an Xbox w kinect 3D setup im playing with. i need to get better games for it but its fun
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Re: Microsoft Xbox 360 Stereo 3d gaming

Post by motorman45 »

here is my latest 3D rig, totally portable passive projection system, just plug my Xbox360 in via HDMI and im playing CoD black ops on a huge screen..

ive missed gaming for a while so my gameplay is not great,
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Re: Microsoft Xbox 360 Stereo 3d gaming

Post by cybereality »

Thats pretty cool man. Although somewhat stretching the term "portable".
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Re: Microsoft Xbox 360 Stereo 3d gaming

Post by motorman45 »

LOL well it is 45 lb and it all locks up in one box . the projectors have an adjustable mount for crude alignment and then the video processor fine tunes it so setu is really easy. its a blast for gaming with a bunch of people.
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Re: Microsoft Xbox 360 Stereo 3d gaming

Post by McKellar3R »

Microsoft decides to implement it between consoles. 3D games are something that never really "took" for a number of reasons McDVOICE
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Re: Microsoft Xbox 360 Stereo 3d gaming

Post by PPorquer3D »

tripletopper wrote: Wed Jan 27, 2021 12:13 am Hello. I was planning on playing Sonic Generations and a few 360 indie games in Stereoscopic 3D.

I have a PS3DTV, but was trying to reduce ping with a CRT VGA.

I have a device called an X3D VGA dongle.

I have a pair of Sega Scope 3D glasses that wire via 3.5mm connector .

1. Do all HDMI to VGA converter cards deal with 3D correctly?
2. How about the VGA to HDMI connector on the trip to the capture card?
3. Do those $10 HDMI to USB 2.0 correctly capture 3d footage?
4. I'm having trouble finding which way is in and out on the x3D.
5. And recommendations for VGA double females and VGA double males, if needed?
6. What do I set the Xbox 360 at to get 3D and is direct VGA better than HDMI to VGA
7. Will a 4x3 VGA work perfectly fine after adjustments?
8. OBS has a limit of one camera per USB port, but Mac OS 10.11 and 10.13 can hold up to 5 camera views. Better Twitch streaming software for free for Mac?
9 I can't figure out how to send 2 cameras 10 cm apart to Bino 3d as a live stream to convert to Red and Cyan. I'm seeing if 2 Virtual Taps and a ez-build Anaglyph adapter for VGA works to make 3d Anaglyph Virtual Boy.
10. one camera is game footage, and the other 2 are stereo pairs. Any web players to make it "2d friendly" stream on Twitch. I heard Bino 3d can expand one eye if sbbh, or can turn Anaglyph video into greyscale for one eye.
Sonic generations does run in 3D, but it has horrible ghosting on my 3d tv - my tv is passive -
it might look better on active shutter glasses 3Dtvs.

it might be possible to fix this by going to the options & adjusting the console to your tv's correct size, but it involves lots of testing - io wish there was a way to force the console to just render games in side by side or over under mode

any 360 game might look better if you can split the frame-packed image to 2 images - for people who like to use 2 projectors for passive 3d, there is adapters that take a 3dbluray's signal & split it in to 2 separate images for each projector ... B06XKLGGHY
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Re: Microsoft Xbox 360 Stereo 3d gaming

Post by MK »

tripletopper wrote: Wed Jan 27, 2021 12:13 am I'm having trouble finding which way is in and out on the x3D.
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Re: Microsoft Xbox 360 Stereo 3d gaming

Post by MK »

I think that the biggest problem when it comes to getting this to work is going to be the X3D VGA dongle.
This dongle only supports the following 3D formats: page flipping, line blanking, sync doubling and Interlaced.

The Xbox 360 is probably outputting frame packed 3D and this format is not supported by the dongle.
The dongle is also controlled by color codes, so how do you send these color codes from the Xbox 360.
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Re: Microsoft Xbox 360 Stereo 3d gaming

Post by MK »

tripletopper wrote: Mon Feb 08, 2021 9:19 pm Also I was wondering how well would 3d blu-rays play
This is the 3D hardware I'm using and I haven't had any problems with playing 3D blu-rays on a CRT monitor.

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Re: Microsoft Xbox 360 Stereo 3d gaming

Post by MK »

tripletopper wrote: Tue Feb 09, 2021 12:06 am All right I got one of those dongles. So all you need is 3D material and a pair of shutter 3D glasses that plug in by 3.5 mm stereo, which I assume the Sega Master System Sega scope 3D glasses qualify as.
Yes, all that you need is 3D material that is compatible with the dongle. The shutter glasses used in this video also works with the X3D dongle, so the Sega Master System Sega scope 3D glasses should therefore also work with the X3D dongle.

tripletopper wrote: Tue Feb 09, 2021 12:06 am I currently have a double female plug but it is longer than just a 5 cm dongle. The instructions say you should not use an extension. By extension do they mean splitter, because it says or powered device. I assume a 1 m long cable will be less than one microsecond of ping time added. Also I have a double male that will be plugged in before the decoder. Can that be any length or should that be a shortest reasonably possible?
My 3D glasses works perfectly and without any problems on my PC. My dongle is connected to an active DisplayPort to VGA adapter. The instructions says that you shouldn't use an extension, so does this not count as an extension.

tripletopper wrote: Tue Feb 09, 2021 12:06 am The main problem stems from the fact that my monitor's input is a long cord with a VGA male plug.
The most likley thing that could happen, if the cable is to long, is that the glasses will not sync correctly with the monitor.

tripletopper wrote: Tue Feb 09, 2021 12:06 am Does order matter? Does length matter? Obviously when the reverse the direction it did matter because that's what fits the vga's male and female right and it didn't work.
Yes, the order does matter. The cable from the dongle with the VGA connector must be connected to the graphics card. The VGA connector on the wider end of the dongle must be connected to the monitor. The dongle also requires +5V on pin 9 on the VGA connector for it to work, so my guess is that it didn't get the required +5V when you reversed the direction.
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Re: Microsoft Xbox 360 Stereo 3d gaming

Post by MK »

tripletopper wrote: Tue Feb 09, 2021 10:31 am
It's kind of confusing because I really don't have a graphics card to speak of.

I thought one end was supposed to plug into the monitor and one end was supposed to plug into the video source.

I don't know if I'm plugging it in reversed or not.
This video will show you how to connect the dongle to the graphics card / video card and the monitor:

The 3D glasses that I'm using is from eDimensional and they are connected to the PC in the same way as they are in the video.
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Re: Microsoft Xbox 360 Stereo 3d gaming

Post by MK »

I really don't understand what the problem is :? . The picture and the video that I posted, and also this video:, clearly shows that the monitor plugs into the thicker end of the dongle.

If your monitor is plugged into the thicker end of the dongle and it doesn't work, what exactly happens when it doesn't work, do you get a picture on the monitor or is the monitor black.
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Re: Microsoft Xbox 360 Stereo 3d gaming

Post by MK »

tripletopper wrote: Fri Feb 19, 2021 1:05 pm A video said something about a "special" double female VGA adapter. Will any double female VGA adapter work or do I need special adapter, even for Consoles?
Did you mean this one:


This is the power adapter. This is also the power adapter that I'm using with my active DisplayPort to VGA adapter. My eDimensional dongle doesn't work without this power adapter.

You can find more info about the power adapter here: ... 208-10.pdf
And also some info about the X3D dongle here:
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Re: Microsoft Xbox 360 Stereo 3d gaming

Post by MK »

tripletopper wrote: Sat Feb 20, 2021 2:20 am What if you don't have a PC? Will it work with HDMI 3D blu-rays WITHOUT a PC?
You don't have to use a PC. This dongle can be used on a MAC. This dongle is also OS independent, so it works without the need of any drivers.
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Re: Microsoft Xbox 360 Stereo 3d gaming

Post by MK »

tripletopper wrote: Sun Feb 21, 2021 6:48 am So what you're saying is that the device turns any 3d material into alternate frames 3d.
No, what I said was that the dongle works on a MAC. The dongle supports alternate frames 3d, but it doesn't turn any 3d material into alternate frames 3d.
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Re: Microsoft Xbox 360 Stereo 3d gaming

Post by lawleitl22 »

Nice post. I was checking constantly this blog and I am impressed! Extremely helpful information especially the last part I care for such info a lot.
Thank you and good luck.
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