DX12 wrapper technical discussion

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Terrif-eying the Ladies!
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DX12 wrapper technical discussion

Post by Lysander »

Hi guys,

No, I do not have a DX12 wrapper, sorry to disappoint :) But I thought I'd start a technical topic on this as we don't have any (as far as I could see) and we could discuss anything related to it here.

So I was wondering - what is the main problem that would need to be addressed with this wrapper as compared to DX11 3dmigoto? My very very high-level understanding is that 3dmigoto:

1. hooks into the game process
2. talks to dx11 to make it render 2 frames instead of 1 and for each frame
3. directs DX11 to pass the data to the shaders which then draw the scene.

Now, from what I've seen, there's also some shader assembler (disassembler?) - this part I'm very puzzled about but my guess is that it decompiles (or compiles? or both?) the original shaders and recompiles the fixed ones. Has the shader language changed for DX12? My understanding is that it's still the same HLSL stuff that worked with DX11. So is my assumption correct that the bulk of these assemblers should remain valid? (I'm ready to be pommeled to the ground with how wrong I am :) )

So, am I correct that the main problem is the "talking to DX12" here? I mean the hooking mechanism of the dll to the process should be the same, yes?
So I understand that there are different API calls for DX12 and DX11 and this is where the bulk of the problem lies?

Appreciate anyone's comments on this and feel free to point me to the 3dmigoto source code if you want to say something like "see, this whole file/bunch of files interact with DX11 like this and they need to be changed to DX12" (I'm guessing https://github.com/bo3b/3Dmigoto/blob/m ... rapper.cpp is one)

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Re: DX12 wrapper technical discussion

Post by 3DNovice »

Last edited by 3DNovice on Fri Mar 15, 2024 10:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
Terrif-eying the Ladies!
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Re: DX12 wrapper technical discussion

Post by Lysander »

ah, nice, thx. Then I will direct any further points there. I don't know if I can contribute, but I downloaded the code and trying to navigate around it, it's super-complex stuff and I have next to no experience with this area of programming but hey - one can learn, right? :) Right now I'm just trying to understand things.

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Re: DX12 wrapper technical discussion

Post by 3DNovice »

Last edited by 3DNovice on Fri Mar 15, 2024 10:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
One Eyed Hopeful
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Re: DX12 wrapper technical discussion

Post by demandinghire »

With a more condensed API and no dependency on hidden information, DX12 employs a new programming style. This has an impact on the creation and management of HLSL graphics objects. To utilize this capability, new data structures like "TiledTexture" and "TiledBuffer" are supported by HLSL in DX12. Direct writing of commands to the command list is possible with DX12.
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