3DVision systems CryptoMining in these difficult times...

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3DVision systems CryptoMining in these difficult times...

Post by RAGEdemon »

Dear all,

These are extraordinary times. The world is in peril; here the UK has just gone into lockdown again, including schools. People are looking for alternative ways to make ends meet.

I hate crypto scum who buy all the graphics cards and inflate prices for us, as much as the next person. However if we already have the hardware, I think it is worth using it to supplement our income.

I have looked into cyrpto mining. We all seem to have powerful hardware - why not use it to earn some extra money while heating our homes this winter?

I appreciate that people might be against it out of principle. However for those who are interested, I am here to say that Eth has recently had a surge in profitability - it will likely last a couple of months. A single 2080 Ti level graphics card can profit $4 a day/24 hours for the time being.

It's a little free money - All you have to do is leave your system on when not using it. No energy is wasted (unless you are living in a hot climate) - 100% of it gets converted into heat - It is absolutely no different than any electric heater except this one makes you many times more money than it is costing you to run.

It doesn't make you enough to live but what it means is that every few years, you can buy yourself a top of the range system/graphics card for free.

If you are on your computer 8 hours a day then there are 16 hours that you are not using it.
With a 2080 Ti with decent power optimisations for cryptomining, you can earn ~$3 a day (16 hours usage, after subtracting costs for electricity) while also heating your home for free. This is $90 free per month, i.e. $1000 a year.

The caveat being that the market fluctuates - Today it might be profitable - a few weeks from now, who knows? But the point is, that one has relatively little to lose vs. the gain.

It would be cool if we can discuss it with an open mind... :)
Windows 11 64-Bit | 12900K @ 5.3GHz | 2080 Ti OC | 32GB 3900MHz CL16 RAM | Optane PCIe SSD RAID-0 | Sound Blaster ZxR | 2x 2000W ButtKicker LFE | nVidia 3D Vision | 3D Projector @ DSR 1600p | HP Reverb G2
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Re: 3DVision systems CryptoMining in these difficult times...

Post by russellk »

Hi mate,

Interesting post. I mined some Etherium back in 2017 with the rig I had at the time and hadn't done any since the last 'crash', but....
I started again a couple of months ago, basically becase like you say, it's a no lose scenario if you already own the hardware. It's been cold in the UK for the last couple of months and my home is heated purely with electricty, so why waste it heating up an electric radiator when I can dump it into the same room via my pc.

No judging here. But of course, it all depends on energy costs and heating requirements. That's very different to someone in a commercial scenario filling up a datacentre with GPUs and taking advantage of cheap electricity. But then, if you can, you will, so not really fair to judge them either.
Win 10 1903 (Via 3dfix manager - Non DCH)/W11, 11700K, Gigabyte 2080Ti OC, Samsung G9, LG 3d OLED, 4k Projector, WMR Odyssey+
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Re: 3DVision systems CryptoMining in these difficult times...

Post by Grant S »

Good to see you still around Ragedemon. I remember you from a few decades back, always wise advice. I've completely ignored anything to do with mining, possibly due to negative bias because of what it has done to the GPU market in the past. I think the past is repeating now, at least to some degree. Not so worked up this time, not planning on upgrading to a card that doesn't support 3D any time soon.

You've peeked my interest though. I have two PC's on my 3DTV. Main VR/3D PC 2700x with a 1080ti and the other 3DPC Xeon and 2x 1070's in SLI. Not knowing anything about it, I plan to research, but have many questions.
Many general, system requirements, internet connection speed a factor. SLI.....
I can't think of anyone better to explain all that or provide the best links. Yes sir, please discuss this in more detail and share your experiences if you don't mind.
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Re: 3DVision systems CryptoMining in these difficult times...

Post by helifax »

I'll just leave this here ;) for future reference
https://finance.yahoo.com/news/mine-eth ... 05159.html

It looks good on paper, but sadly not for me....
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Re: 3DVision systems CryptoMining in these difficult times...

Post by Grant S »

Thank you sir
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Re: 3DVision systems CryptoMining in these difficult times...

Post by skyrimer »

Interesting but electricity costs are high in Spain. For me there's another important factor though, and thats shortening to life span of our extremely valued 2080ti's, which are the best and last of the cards available to play in 3d, working 24/7 to earn €4 a day.

If anyone has access to cheap electricity and graphic cards that they don't mind pusing to the limit for hundreds of hours, I can understand it, but I'm going to treasure the 2080ti with the utmost care.
ASUS PG278QR Monitor
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Re: 3DVision systems CryptoMining in these difficult times...

Post by RAGEdemon »

Hi guys,

It's cool that there is shared interest by others :)

I am a newbie to this so my knowledge is limited. Perhaps Russell can share his valuable insights?

1. Thanks for your input however there is no evidence to suggest that mining decreases the life of a GPU. There have been some experiments done which showed no degradation, e.g. here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZKk2dDMN1Xs , on the contrary there is evidence to suggest that leaving silicon in a cool state or a hot state (cryptoMining) is far healthier than warming and cooling frequently (gaming).

b. The cost in Spain seems to be EUR 0.24 per kWh (in the UK its £0.18/EUR 0.20) - this is still quite profitable. Right now, it is 1 degree C there - do you not use heating? Heating with a heater is a waste when this will heat your home /and/ make you more money than heating by electricity will cost. If you heat by gas or heat pump then it would be different of course (but still profitable).

c. $4 a day is $120 a month is $1,440 a year for free. You can buy a new 2080Ti every few months and they will only get cheaper. Every 2 years you can get a top of the range system / VR gear for free. $4 a day might seem small but it adds up - If someone were to give you $1,440 at the end of this year, I don't think anyone will say "no thanks, I don't want it".

2. The easiest thing to do is to install NiceHash: https://www.nicehash.com/ and set it to auto start with Windows, auto start mining, and mine while idle. That's it really - it automatically calculates the most profitable algorithm/crypto to mine, and it will start on that. Just make sure your computer is detecting idle correctly as some systems can't because of software such as for Razer Orbweaver or some Logitech products, where you must then disable some features of to get idle state detection working. I have hacked together a script to detect if Idle is working:

Idle detection script (Save as .ps1, then Right click and Run with Powershell):

Code: Select all

Add-Type @'
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace PInvoke.Win32 {

    public static class UserInput {

        [DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError=false)]
        private static extern bool GetLastInputInfo(ref LASTINPUTINFO plii);

        private struct LASTINPUTINFO {
            public uint cbSize;
            public int dwTime;

        public static DateTime LastInput {
            get {
                DateTime bootTime = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMilliseconds(-Environment.TickCount);
                DateTime lastInput = bootTime.AddMilliseconds(LastInputTicks);
                return lastInput;

        public static TimeSpan IdleTime {
            get {
                return DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(LastInput);

        public static int LastInputTicks {
            get {
                LASTINPUTINFO lii = new LASTINPUTINFO();
                lii.cbSize = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(LASTINPUTINFO));
                GetLastInputInfo(ref lii);
                return lii.dwTime;

for ( $i = 0; $i -lt 1000; $i++ ) {
    Write-Host ("Last input " + [PInvoke.Win32.UserInput]::LastInput)
    Write-Host ("Idle for " + [PInvoke.Win32.UserInput]::IdleTime)
    Start-Sleep -Seconds (Get-Random -Minimum 1 -Maximum 2)

-- Once you have accumulated enough money, you can withdraw it for free. Small amounts can incur charges.

An interesting note about NiceHash is that you are being paid for leasing of your GPU to miners - not being paid by mining directly. If there is a market for something, no matter how stupid, in my humble opinion, it's worth looking into it. I am sure people get paid for doing stupid things at their jobs all the time...

3. Advanced:
There is much you can tune:

a. You want to set the cost of electricity in NiceHash and tell it to display Net Profit - This will tell you how much actual money you are making.

b. You want to set the option that it only mines when profitability is over $X so when it becomes not worth it, it won't mine.

-- You want to minimise the electricity usage while maxing the performance for maximum profitability. Setting TDP to 60% on my 2080Ti brought the power usage from 260W to 150W and drastically increased profitability from £2.20 to £2.80.

-- You also want to max your TDP for your gaming for max performance.

You can make a simple script to have Afterburner set TDP to 60% when mining, and then back to 100%+ when exiting mining. You can then use a tool / script to launch these scripts when the computer goes into idle or comes out of idle to completely automate the process - I use a tool called "watch 4 idle 1.2":

This is my script for starting and stopping. I am no coder but this works for me after some testing:

Start mining (Afterburner profile 5 is 60% TDP):

Code: Select all

taskkill /im "MSIAfterburner.exe"
taskkill /im "MSIAfterburner.exe"
taskkill /im /T "NiceHashMiner.exe"
taskkill /im /T "NiceHashMiner.exe"
taskkill /im /T "app_nhm.exe"
taskkill /im /T "app_nhm.exe"
taskkill /im "NiceHashMiner.exe"
taskkill /im "NiceHashMiner.exe"
taskkill /im "app_nhm.exe"
taskkill /im "app_nhm.exe"
cd /d "C:\Program Files (x86)\MSI Afterburner\"
start "" "MSIAfterburner.exe" -profile5
cd /d "C:\Users\<user name>\AppData\Local\Programs\NiceHash Miner\"
start "" "NiceHashMiner.exe"
Stop mining (Afterburner profile 1 is 110% TDP):

Code: Select all

taskkill /im "MSIAfterburner.exe"
taskkill /im "MSIAfterburner.exe"
taskkill /im /T "NiceHashMiner.exe"
taskkill /im /T "NiceHashMiner.exe"
taskkill /im /T "app_nhm.exe"
taskkill /im /T "app_nhm.exe"
taskkill /im "NiceHashMiner.exe"
taskkill /im "NiceHashMiner.exe"
taskkill /im "app_nhm.exe"
taskkill /im "app_nhm.exe"
cd /d "C:\Program Files (x86)\MSI Afterburner\"
start "" "MSIAfterburner.exe" -profile1

4. In my opinion, the most important thing is that it doesn't interfere with your normal time on your computer - you shouldn't have to click on/off or remember anything. You shouldn't even ever see it unless to manually check on your income/history. It is therefore important to automate as much as one can.

I am sure there is plenty more that more experienced miners can add. I am looking forward to learning... :)
Last edited by RAGEdemon on Thu Jan 07, 2021 7:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
Windows 11 64-Bit | 12900K @ 5.3GHz | 2080 Ti OC | 32GB 3900MHz CL16 RAM | Optane PCIe SSD RAID-0 | Sound Blaster ZxR | 2x 2000W ButtKicker LFE | nVidia 3D Vision | 3D Projector @ DSR 1600p | HP Reverb G2
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Re: 3DVision systems CryptoMining in these difficult times...

Post by russellk »

I'm happy to share my experiences and opinion, but I'm not an expert by any means. You can draw your own conclusions although I'm happy to answer questions. This is all about Etherium (ETH) btw.

I think as to whether this is worth it or not to you, depends on your expectations, what hardware you have and how much electricity costs.
Sorry if this isn't written or formatted correctly, I just feel like I spend too much of my life on the internet these days so I'll just speak out loud.

I have 2 main rigs, one is a 2500k with a 1070 and the other is a 6700k with a 2080TI.

Hash Rates and Efficiency and miners

All hardware has an inherent 'hash' rate, which can be tweaked with something like afterburner. The idea is to get the hash rate up as high as possible, while maintaining as low a power consumption as possible.
Since mining rigs are designed to maximise profit, they will have as many gpus are possible, since you then only have the overhead of one psu, motherboard, cpu etc. etc.

I'm not really worried too much about that, as practially every single Watt that my computer consumes is exhausted into my house as heat, and it's cold at the moment. Plus, I'm just a hobbyist, not a hardcore cyptominer!

All things being equal, to maximise the efficiency of a GPU, you need to increase the memory clock as much as possible and lower the power limit. Boost speeds etc just aren't really important at all.

My 1070 can hash about 29Mh/s and my 2080TI can hash at about 58Mh/s. They are both consuming ~140Watts at about 50% power limit. The 3060TI, 3080 etc. far surpass this efficiency for mining, not that anyone can get one, but that's another story. There are loads of resources on the internet which will give you expected hashrate for a given piece of hardware and expected 'profit'. You need to allow for the overheads of the system.

IMHO, since the GPU isn't working very hard, there are no real threats to hardware longevity. As long as voltages and temps are low (which they will be), you're safe.

For the mining software, I use T-Rex. I used to use Claymore. Antivirus software will pick it up as a threat. This is just because they know miners eat up resources and there are some forms of malware that try to use mining tools.

Wallets, mining Pools and payouts

You need a 'wallet' and you need to join a mining pool. I'm not going to go too much into specifics as it's complicated.

The pool is just a group of miners that work together and share the rewards. Every pool will take a fee, typically 1%.
The wallet is basically a unique address where you 'store' Ether.
The pool will mine ETH up to a certain amount (configurable), before it 'pays out' ETH to your wallet address.

"My Ether Wallet" is a good bet for a wallet, and "Ethermine" is one of it not the largest mining pool.
*The Ethermine website has very good beginners guides.*

Converting to cash

You need to use a trading platform to convert the ETH to cash (If you want to). Trading platform is analagous to a bank, but is also a collection of wallets with unique addresses.
You need to send the ETH from your wallet to the trading platform first.
Coinbase is probably best known, and is safe. They have their own fees too, which are something like 1.5% to 4%, depending on territory etc.
When you send from your wallet to coinbase, it will appear in your portfolio. You can then send it to a bank account account which of course attracts more fees.

So it kind of goes like this:

GPU>Mining Pool>Personal wallet>Trading Platform>Cash.

*edit* when I say safe, everyone does this at their own risk. The names I've mentioned are all legitimate entities though.
*edit2* @ Rage - nicehash might be the best and the easiest, I just haven't used it myself.
Last edited by russellk on Thu Jan 07, 2021 8:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
Win 10 1903 (Via 3dfix manager - Non DCH)/W11, 11700K, Gigabyte 2080Ti OC, Samsung G9, LG 3d OLED, 4k Projector, WMR Odyssey+
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Re: 3DVision systems CryptoMining in these difficult times...

Post by russellk »

Grant S wrote: Wed Jan 06, 2021 4:45 pm Good to see you still around Ragedemon. I remember you from a few decades back, always wise advice. I've completely ignored anything to do with mining, possibly due to negative bias because of what it has done to the GPU market in the past. I think the past is repeating now, at least to some degree. Not so worked up this time, not planning on upgrading to a card that doesn't support 3D any time soon.

You've peeked my interest though. I have two PC's on my 3DTV. Main VR/3D PC 2700x with a 1080ti and the other 3DPC Xeon and 2x 1070's in SLI. Not knowing anything about it, I plan to research, but have many questions.
Many general, system requirements, internet connection speed a factor. SLI.....
I can't think of anyone better to explain all that or provide the best links. Yes sir, please discuss this in more detail and share your experiences if you don't mind.
Miners can run on Linux or Windows etc. No real hardware requirements. No real bandwidth requirement.
SLI is not a factor, the software can address each card directly via CUDA.
You can even play games while you're mining, but it will lower the hashrate.
Win 10 1903 (Via 3dfix manager - Non DCH)/W11, 11700K, Gigabyte 2080Ti OC, Samsung G9, LG 3d OLED, 4k Projector, WMR Odyssey+
Grant S
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Re: 3DVision systems CryptoMining in these difficult times...

Post by Grant S »

Big thanks gents awesome and thoroughly discussed
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Re: 3DVision systems CryptoMining in these difficult times...

Post by 3DNovice »

Last edited by 3DNovice on Sat Apr 06, 2024 5:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 3DVision systems CryptoMining in these difficult times...

Post by 3DNovice »

Last edited by 3DNovice on Sat Apr 06, 2024 5:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 3DVision systems CryptoMining in these difficult times...

Post by Grant S »

Thanks D-man, I had no idea there were motherboards designed just for mining. I had a lot of misconceptions about mining with GPU's including thinking it was a failed thing from the past. That $100,000 obscenity looks like it needs it's own nuclear reactor to power it. A $10,000 monthly yield, certainly compelling argument for it's existence.
So I take it there is nothing fundamentally wrong with AMD/ATI cards for mining? Now that AMD''s offerings look to be comparable to NVidia's for a first time in a while. Is there anything that makes one or the other manufacturers cards better for the specific task of mining?
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Re: 3DVision systems CryptoMining in these difficult times...

Post by VegetaSuperSaiyan »

skyrimer wrote: Thu Jan 07, 2021 3:44 am Interesting but electricity costs are high in Spain. For me there's another important factor though, and thats shortening to life span of our extremely valued 2080ti's, which are the best and last of the cards available to play in 3d, working 24/7 to earn €4 a day.

If anyone has access to cheap electricity and graphic cards that they don't mind pusing to the limit for hundreds of hours, I can understand it, but I'm going to treasure the 2080ti with the utmost care.
Last of the 2080tis and last of fixed games.
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Re: 3DVision systems CryptoMining in these difficult times...

Post by RAGEdemon »

3DNovice = D-Man11? Mind blown - Good to see you on these boards, if true!

Also, VegetaSuperSaiyan = xxx_StarMan_xxx?
Windows 11 64-Bit | 12900K @ 5.3GHz | 2080 Ti OC | 32GB 3900MHz CL16 RAM | Optane PCIe SSD RAID-0 | Sound Blaster ZxR | 2x 2000W ButtKicker LFE | nVidia 3D Vision | 3D Projector @ DSR 1600p | HP Reverb G2
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Re: 3DVision systems CryptoMining in these difficult times...

Post by 3DNovice »

Last edited by 3DNovice on Sat Apr 06, 2024 5:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 3DVision systems CryptoMining in these difficult times...

Post by Grant S »

Interesting and informative, thanks again
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Re: 3DVision systems CryptoMining in these difficult times...

Post by 3DNovice »

Last edited by 3DNovice on Sat Apr 06, 2024 5:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 3DVision systems CryptoMining in these difficult times...

Post by Grant S »

I don't always agree with him but I think this time Linus nailed the reality of the situation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XfIibTBaoMM&t=325s
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Re: 3DVision systems CryptoMining in these difficult times...

Post by 3DNovice »

Last edited by 3DNovice on Sat Apr 06, 2024 5:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 3DVision systems CryptoMining in these difficult times...

Post by skyrimer »

An interesting article, showing that cards used for crytomining can deteriorate for an average of 10% less performance after 1.5 year, going up to 20% less fps in Forza 4: https://www.dsogaming.com/news/nvidia-g ... rformance/
ASUS PG278QR Monitor
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Re: 3DVision systems CryptoMining in these difficult times...

Post by RAGEdemon »

Thanks for the link.

More likely title: 1.5 year old paste & dust build-up vs. brand new paste & clean heatsink. He also doesn't tell us whether both cards are identical or whether one is lower end and the other higher end.

I'm not saying that there is absolutely 0% degradation - that kind of data doesn't exist unfortunately. This video 'experiment' however, is next to worthless imo, unless it integrates additional experimental controls :)
Windows 11 64-Bit | 12900K @ 5.3GHz | 2080 Ti OC | 32GB 3900MHz CL16 RAM | Optane PCIe SSD RAID-0 | Sound Blaster ZxR | 2x 2000W ButtKicker LFE | nVidia 3D Vision | 3D Projector @ DSR 1600p | HP Reverb G2
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Re: 3DVision systems CryptoMining in these difficult times...

Post by sebastatu »

Im new to this too, but I am mining BTC instead of Ethereum with Nicehash. It is fairly simple just open an account with them, download their nvidia miner and done you are ready to go. The provide the wallet, the pool, and everything. I use my 1080ti and looks like I make about the same amount I make mining ETH. of course it all varies depending on the crypto prices. As far as the gpu deteriorating, Its probably the thermal paste dried out, It is recommended to be cleaned out and replaced with new paste after some time.. Just by doing this you can get about 10% or more performance gains. Maybe thermal pads could work as well?
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Post by 3DNovice »

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Re: 3DVision systems CryptoMining in these difficult times...

Post by elandkameran »

Do u trade bitcoin? check this article, it is interesting to read https://www.cnbc.com/2021/12/22/top-pre ... ation.html
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Post by 3DNovice »

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Post by 3DNovice »

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