Monopole rotation representation - what am i doing wrong?

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One Eyed Hopeful
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Monopole rotation representation - what am i doing wrong?

Post by TiagoTiago »

I am trying to make a way to interpret rotations (in the case of this script, from a Hydra) in a sorta euler-like representation, but that got only one pole ( at 180 degrees from zero rotation), so that in most cases the user would never notice the pole.

But i've ran into a problem, i'm getting some weird behavior at some orientations, some of the axes jump between values in a way i didn't expect, including axes i thought would remain relatively stable even near the pole.

The basic idea for this "monopole rotation representation", is sorta like this: you take the surface of a sphere and flatten it into a disc (obviously to do that for real would involve non-euclidean space), pitch is measured up and down, and yaw horizontally, with zero rotation at the center, and 180 at the pole, the edge of the circle. And the roll is calculated in a way that sorta make it so that with zero roll the orientation is sorta like what your head spontaneously does when looking at the direction indicated by the yaw and pitch (extrapolating a bit, since human heads can't turn much more than about 90 degrees in any way). The roll value is expected to get a bit crazy when pitch and/or yaw are close to the pole, but i don't think yaw and pitch would misbehave all that much.

I should note that i'm not really all that familiar with Python ( to get an idea: i almost, just almost, can make a "Hello World" without consulting the documentation); so i probably broke a bunch of conventions, and might have done some things the harder way, and perhaps even missed obvious errors. So, besides trying to fix my math, please feel free to provide critic on my coding skills as well if you see need.

So without further ado, here is what i got so far:

Code: Select all

from math import * #To be able to just type stuff like pi and atan2

def update(): #The main stuff
    matrix = quat2mat(hydra[0].q0, hydra[0].q1, hydra[0].q2, hydra[0].q3) #Gets the matrix from  the quaternion; i understand rotation matrixes better than quaternions (which doesn't mean much since i tend to treat quaternions as blackboxes)[0])[1])[2])[3])[4])[5])[6])[7])[8])[0].x)[0].y)[0].z)
    monoeulrot = mat2monopeul(matrix) #gets the monopole rotation representation[0] / pi * 180)[1] / pi * 180)[2] / pi * 180)
    #just putting the position axes to use, just because; not relevant for the monopole rotation representation
    ppJoy[0].setAxis(AxisTypes.X, 		EnsureMapRange(hydra[0].x,	-250,	250,		-1000,	1000))
    ppJoy[0].setAxis(AxisTypes.Y, 		EnsureMapRange(hydra[0].y,	250,		-250,	-1000,	1000))
    ppJoy[0].setAxis(AxisTypes.ZAxis, 	EnsureMapRange(hydra[0].z,	600,		100,		-1000,	1000))
    #Applying the calculated Yaw, Pitch and Roll to the rotation axes of the virtual joystick
    ppJoy[0].setAxis(AxisTypes.ZRotation, monoeulrot[0] / pi * 1000)
    ppJoy[0].setAxis(AxisTypes.XRotation, monoeulrot[1] / pi * 1000)
    ppJoy[0].setAxis(AxisTypes.YRotation, monoeulrot[2] / pi * 1000)
    #putting the joystick axes to use, just because
    ppJoy[0].setAxis(AxisTypes.Dial,	hydra[0].joyx * 1000)
    ppJoy[0].setAxis(AxisTypes.Slider,	hydra[0].joyy * 1000)

def quat2mat(w, x, y, z): #magically transmogrifies the quaternion into a rotation matrix, with the same frame of reference as the position data from the Hydra: X = side to side, Y = Up and Down, Z = Forward and Backward. Formula originally from Wikipedia, but i twiddled stuff around till things were pointing the right way.
	return [	-(2 * x * z + 2 * y * w),		-(2 * x * y - 2 * z *w),			1 -  2 * (y ** 2) - 2 * (z**2),
			-(2 * y * z - 2 * x * w),		-(1 -2 * (x ** 2) - 2 * (z ** 2)),	2 * x * y + 2 * z * w,
			-(1 - 2 * (x ** 2) - 2 * (y**2)),	-(2 * y * z + 2 * x * w),			2 * x * z - 2 * y * w]

def mat2monopeul(mat): #The crazy s██t i came up with to try to make a monopole rotation representation
	#Forward vector's X, Y and Z
	fx = mat[0]
	fy = mat[1]
	fz = mat[2]
	#Up vector's X, Y, Z
	ux = mat[3]
	uy = mat[4]
	uz = mat[5]
	#Left vector's X, Y and Z
	lx = mat[6]
	ly = mat[7]
	lz = mat[8]
	#This bit was supposed to be easy
	pitch	= atan2(-fy, -fz) * (1 - abs(fx))
	yaw		= atan2( fx, -fz) * (1 - abs(fy))
	#Calculating the roll along the vertical, horizontal and... i dunno the word, "depthal" axes, and applying some weights so the roll should remain unchanged if you're just changing the other axes (keeping the roll angle in relation to the pole the same)
	sideroll	= atan2(uz, uy) * fx * (1 - abs(fz))
	vertroll	= atan2(ux, uz * sign(fy)) * abs(fy) * (1 - abs(fz))
	frontroll	= atan2(ly, -lx) * abs(fz)		/ pi * 180)		/ pi * 180)	/ pi * 180)
	roll = frontroll + sideroll + vertroll #Puts it all together to make one roll
	return [yaw, pitch, roll]

def sign(val): #Returns -1 for negatives, 0 for zero and 1 for positives
	return (1 * (val > 0)) + (-1 * (val < 0))

def EnsureMapRange(val, IB, IE, OB, OE): # a recreation of GPIE's EnsureMapRange; parameters are Value, Input Begin, Input End, Output Begin and Output End
	return max(min(((val - IB) / (IE - IB)) * (OE - OB) + OB, OE), OB)
update() #keeps running the that main stuff from the beginning

ps: I think the forum might be messing with my tab formatting in that code, lemme know if it is too confusing this way and i'll try to find a better way to share the code
One Eyed Hopeful
Posts: 33
Joined: Thu Mar 13, 2014 1:49 am

Re: Monopole rotation representation - what am i doing wrong

Post by TiagoTiago »

Something i was gonna say in the OP but got distracted and left out after deleting the first draft to write better:

Zero roll in all positions stays aligned when the sphere's surface is unfolded into a disc.

Btw, does anyone know if this transform got a name? I can't have been the first to think of it...
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