Keyboard Support question.

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One Eyed Hopeful
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Joined: Wed Aug 07, 2013 12:09 am

Keyboard Support question.

Post by kmcwilliams »

I will be brief,

When playing games ( flight sims ) I use several different tools and utilities. TrackIR, mumble and teamspeak for comms with my human squad mates, and occasionally "Shoot Voice Control" for in-game comms with and for issuing commands to the virtual wingmen in my flight.

In all of them, I have found that I can use the additional F* keys (function keys). Now I am in the U.S., and my keyboard only has up to F12, but with glovepie I still script and use F13 through F21 for commands to my comms and TrackIR softwares.

Does freepie support these additional F* keys ? If not, it is not a deal breaker, but just something else I having to consider. And maybe it is something that could be considered for a future feature ?

BTW, once I get to scipting in FreePie, it will not be long before I can really start assisting others with their scripts.

EDIT: I beleive I found the answer here: ... /IO-Plugin

with this

"[DllImport("kernel32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode"

but if you can confirm, I may be mis-interpreting that bit of info.

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Location: Stockholm, Sweden

Re: Keyboard Support question.

Post by CyberVillain »


Here are all the keys, you can also access them from within the script editor in FreePIE

Code: Select all

public enum Key
        D0 = 0,
        D1 = 1,
        D2 = 2,
        D3 = 3,
        D4 = 4,
        D5 = 5,
        D6 = 6,
        D7 = 7,
        D8 = 8,
        D9 = 9,
        A = 10,
        B = 11,
        C = 12,
        D = 13,
        E = 14,
        F = 15,
        G = 16,
        H = 17,
        I = 18,
        J = 19,
        K = 20,
        L = 21,
        M = 22,
        N = 23,
        O = 24,
        P = 25,
        Q = 26,
        R = 27,
        S = 28,
        T = 29,
        U = 30,
        V = 31,
        W = 32,
        X = 33,
        Y = 34,
        Z = 35,
        AbntC1 = 36,
        AbntC2 = 37,
        Apostrophe = 38,
        Applications = 39,
        AT = 40,
        AX = 41,
        Backspace = 42,
        Backslash = 43,
        Calculator = 44,
        CapsLock = 45,
        Colon = 46,
        Comma = 47,
        Convert = 48,
        Delete = 49,
        DownArrow = 50,
        End = 51,
        Equals = 52,
        Escape = 53,
        F1 = 54,
        F2 = 55,
        F3 = 56,
        F4 = 57,
        F5 = 58,
        F6 = 59,
        F7 = 60,
        F8 = 61,
        F9 = 62,
        F10 = 63,
        F11 = 64,
        F12 = 65,
        F13 = 66,
        F14 = 67,
        F15 = 68,
        Grave = 69,
        Home = 70,
        Insert = 71,
        Kana = 72,
        Kanji = 73,
        LeftBracket = 74,
        LeftControl = 75,
        LeftArrow = 76,
        LeftAlt = 77,
        LeftShift = 78,
        LeftWindowsKey = 79,
        Mail = 80,
        MediaSelect = 81,
        MediaStop = 82,
        Minus = 83,
        Mute = 84,
        MyComputer = 85,
        NextTrack = 86,
        NoConvert = 87,
        NumberLock = 88,
        NumberPad0 = 89,
        NumberPad1 = 90,
        NumberPad2 = 91,
        NumberPad3 = 92,
        NumberPad4 = 93,
        NumberPad5 = 94,
        NumberPad6 = 95,
        NumberPad7 = 96,
        NumberPad8 = 97,
        NumberPad9 = 98,
        NumberPadComma = 99,
        NumberPadEnter = 100,
        NumberPadEquals = 101,
        NumberPadMinus = 102,
        NumberPadPeriod = 103,
        NumberPadPlus = 104,
        NumberPadSlash = 105,
        NumberPadStar = 106,
        Oem102 = 107,
        PageDown = 108,
        PageUp = 109,
        Pause = 110,
        Period = 111,
        PlayPause = 112,
        Power = 113,
        PreviousTrack = 114,
        RightBracket = 115,
        RightControl = 116,
        Return = 117,
        RightArrow = 118,
        RightAlt = 119,
        RightShift = 120,
        RightWindowsKey = 121,
        ScrollLock = 122,
        Semicolon = 123,
        Slash = 124,
        Sleep = 125,
        Space = 126,
        Stop = 127,
        PrintScreen = 128,
        Tab = 129,
        Underline = 130,
        Unlabeled = 131,
        UpArrow = 132,
        VolumeDown = 133,
        VolumeUp = 134,
        Wake = 135,
        WebBack = 136,
        WebFavorites = 137,
        WebForward = 138,
        WebHome = 139,
        WebRefresh = 140,
        WebSearch = 141,
        WebStop = 142,
        Yen = 143,
        Unknown = 144,
It goes up to F15, I havent tested beyond F12 myself
Posts: 2166
Joined: Mon Jun 22, 2009 8:36 am
Location: Stockholm, Sweden

Re: Keyboard Support question.

Post by CyberVillain »

We can add more

edit: but only for emulation, not reading from real keyboard
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