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Spambot attacking mtbs3d forum

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 11:10 am
by da_giz
Did any of you guys realize that spambots are spamming this webpage?

Go to the memberlist and check for the latest joined members, they are nearly all spam!

@sharky, Neil:
if someone registers with our webpage is there some kind of verification that it is not a bot?
Like a field of numbers you have to type into a box?
I don't know it because I can't remember from when I joined.

I had that at my other webpages before and how we got rid of it was to create jpgs that show numbers and letters which you have to type into a little box in order to register. Spambots are not able to read them.

Could you also delete all those spam-users?
I mean it is nice, if you check for the amount of members we have and it looks like "WOW, mtbs is doing really great!" But then you see it's all only spambots.
That doesn't really look good, in case someone checks it out to see if this is a serious webpage.

I think it would be a good idea to take a look into that.


Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 11:31 am
by Neil
Yes, we are aware of the problem. We are working on a way to have a single registration via MTBS, and literally cut out the forum registration altogether. This will get rid of the spambots for good.

In the meantime, the double registration is preventing the spambots from actually posting, which would have been much, much worse! :lol:


Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 2:54 pm
by da_giz
okay, that is good then.
Just thought I mention it since I noticed it :)