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Autodesk & 3D Systems at the Boston VR Meetup on 10/21

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2015 9:54 pm
by rustysawdust
Autodesk will present their new VR API and show demos of WebGL/HTML5 with the Oculus and Google Cardboard. 3D Systems will present the Touch haptic device to allow you to reach out touch virtual worlds. As usual we'll also have a variety of other VR demonstrations for you to try from our local developers.

Come see Autodesk research into VR technology via web delivery. Using the new View and Data API, Autodesk Developer Network (ADN) team will show some demos of using this WebGL/HTML5 technology with Oculus Rift (DK2) and Google Cardboard. We will also discuss a few other cool things being researched around Autodesk technology with VR.

3D Systems
Everyone knows how to use their hands but not everyone knows how to use CAD software. Touch is a haptic 3D stylus that puts digital content in your hand, allowing you to actually feel models on the screen. Designed for intuitive 3D sculpting, Touch eliminates the intimidation of traditional 3D modeling. Touch comes with Cubify Sculpt which brings organic modeling tools right to your fingertips. With precise positioning input and instant force feedback that mimics the sense of physical sculpting, Touch gives you complete control over your creations, making it faster and easier to realize your designs. Touch lets you fully manipulate your design by providing access to all three dimensions, making it easy for students, designers, and artists alike to create 3D-printable files with virtual clay. Touch connects the digital and physical worlds like never before, giving you immediate access to your complex designs and a comprehensive understanding of 3D digital space. With the available software development kit (SDK) you can harness the power of the Touch to create spatially aware apps with infinite possibilities.

PLEASE NOTE: all guests must RSVP on the event page here: ... 224405030/