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Xwing alliance - vr boost help?

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 3:46 pm
by Hstreet
Dr beef I hope you can help. I was thinking I would try and get the vr boost working with xwa ( it works somewhat with mouse emulation but needs to be constantly recentered)

Using the cheat engine I found memory address for pitch but it cannot be changed. Any tips on finding the pointer / address to change?

There is only 1 memory address that has the value of the pitch for example. It's actually the same schematic as unreal > 0 for up < 65k for down

Re: Xwing alliance - vr boost help?

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2015 7:19 am
by DrBeef

If changing it is having no effect in the game then I am afraid that address is no good, it is just some weird copy of the pitch rather than the address directly responsible.

You'll need to try again, but experiment with the following:

1) Try using a float value instead of DWORD
2) To start with, assume looking up is going to increase it, if that doesn't yield anything, then try down increasing
3) The value could be in radians or degrees, or some other weird number measurement internal to the game engine

Once you have boiled it down (can take good few tries) to a handful of candidate addresses, then you need to start poking values into them to see if it affects the game's orientation. Once you find one that does, you are there, and hopefully at that point you know the following:

* Up or Down increases the value
* Value is in degrees or radians or something else

Knowing these will make it much easier to find next time!

Write down the address, and start again..