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Can't install AMD Catalyst Driver

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2014 5:47 pm
by gisabun
Currently installed driver version 3.12.
I try to install 14.4 by uninstalling 3.12, reboot and then install 14.4.
But when I do, all it finds in hardware is the HDMI Audio driver.
I end up with the generic VGA drivers.
Remove them and the VGA drivers come back.
Seems the install manager can't detect my Radion HD 7800 series card.

Re: Can't install AMD Catalyst Driver

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2014 9:02 pm
by cybereality

Re: Can't install AMD Catalyst Driver

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2014 9:19 pm
by gisabun

Better than Driver Fusion?

I think I'll wait for the final release of 14.6 [no 14.5?].

Re: Can't install AMD Catalyst Driver

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 5:13 pm
by gisabun
Ok. Still can't install.
Downloaded 14.9. Uninstalled 13.12. Went into safe mode and used Display Driver Uninstaller to clean up the rest and rebooted.
Started the 14.9 install and chose custom . All it could find is the install manager and the HDMI drivers. Nothing else.
So is it a hardware detection problem?

Re: Can't install AMD Catalyst Driver

Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2014 11:13 am
by gisabun
Maybe getting worse. Booted up this afternoon after a normal shutdoiwn and I ended up in VGA mode. Tried to re-install the current drivers [13.12] and it wouldn't detect the card. Once again just update the HDMI audio drivers and the install manager. Tried a few other things. Nope. Had to do a system restore.

BTW, IE will also crap out from time to time as it uses an ATI DLL [don't ask me why] and doesn't seem to like it. Oddly not always. [But not good if it craps out while downloading a 700 MB file!]

Re: Can't install AMD Catalyst Driver

Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2014 12:45 pm
by cybereality
That's very strange. I'm not really sure.

Might be worth contacting AMD support.

Re: Can't install AMD Catalyst Driver

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2014 11:50 am
by gisabun
Ya. So I went to the AMD forums and got basically nowhere. One "guy" even had the same issue but with another GPU model.
I decided to contact ASUS as it is their GPU [as well as mobo]. Didn't have the latest BIOS for the mobo but didn't help. Then I got this info from them:

[The equivalent of:] "Sorry. We don't support the latest drivers from AMD, just what is on the ASUS web site." Which is 13.152.

They suggested re-seating the GPU. Did [snd a pain in the butt] but didn't help.

I may try one more time with the clean uninstall as it is getting ridiculous. As of late, every second boot-up it goes into VGA mode with [yellow] bangs in the device manager for both the GPU and high definition audio.

If that doesn't help, I will go through a drastic decision and remove the ASUS GPU and enable the onboard GPU [if you can call it that - it's from intel]. Just so I can have some stability.

Re: Can't install AMD Catalyst Driver

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2014 2:48 pm
by Dom
I'm betting your motherboard and Windows can't get an IRQ properly established. I have an Asus motherboard and after "sleep mode" and just normal reboot I was having a Huge IRQ problem. The only way I know how to get a proper IRQ is to plunk in a PCI video card and boot up or manually set in the bios, although my bios does not have that option.

Microsoft is supposed to adhere the IRQ's for plugNplay but I am not sure if they still are doing it properly. I'm even having issues with my Intel Bluetooth pci-e adapter.

I may give Mircosoft a call soon and see what they think.

Re: Can't install AMD Catalyst Driver

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2014 3:04 pm
by gisabun
I've set so that it doesn't sleep for an hour and usually I'm around prior to that. So the system never sleeps.

The dropping into VGA mode is more often. Sometimes I need to do use a restore point more than once before I can get into a regular 1920*1080 mode.

Re: Can't install AMD Catalyst Driver

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 12:03 am
by gisabun
OK. I took a bit of a gambled and reinstalled Windows 7 on top of Windows 7.
Seemed to cure everything [hopefully!]. No booting to VGA mode. I'm not having any funky issues with the video otherwise.
The Catalyst Control Center isn't opening. But I don't really care at this point.
Anything that came out since Windows 7 release [and was part of Windows 7] needed to be re-installed. That means IE11, 160+ updates, etc.
Debating whether I'd go back to ASUS in the future....

Re: Can't install AMD Catalyst Driver

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2014 12:08 pm
by Dom
gisabun wrote: The Catalyst Control Center isn't opening. But I don't really care at this point.
That's probably cause you didn't have .net 3.5 or 4 or something like that installed yet. Adobe Flash ect ect... I know what you feel like, its like an endless install session for like a month to get your system back to normal.

I bought Windows Server 2012 R2 Essentials in the spring and have been trying to get all the roles and features working good. I finally had to reinstall it cause it could not handle to permissions I was giving it. I was trying to get my own SSL certificate as a revocation signage to let users install it from the Certificate icon tab in the address bar.

I had a few dedicated game servers on it and now I have to redo the scripts ect...

I'm still thinking microsoft is responsible, were not supposed to really have any problems with software. Hardware would be a broken or popped chip. System files getting corrupt and the endless malware and people with fraudulent software. University connected study botnets.

Re: Can't install AMD Catalyst Driver

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2014 4:15 pm
by gisabun
Actually CCC requires 4.x last I checked. That was repaired [as I mentioned] the first time I was able to access the computer normally.
Most of what I had to do was done. I had a problem with one application. Took me about 5 times before I got it installed because of MS Installer issues. Had to go into the registry to manually uninstall the remnants.
All that is left [I haven't tested everything] is to run the various non-security updates I accumulated.