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Screwed up gamma with Nvidia-based PC and PJ

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 6:21 pm
by Nuieve
I have a PC with GTX580 hooked up to Optoma HD33. The gamma is horrible, everything is way too black, there are no gradations, just whatever is not bright is pretty much blacked out. Colors are washed out, picture is dull and weird, "rusty" sort of. I tried to play with gamma/brightness/contrast settings in Nvidia panel, but it didn't help at all. When I switch to BD player - it plays everything fine, quality is outstanding. PJ performs like LCD monitor, superb colors, gamma, everything.

The funny thing is that when I connect the same computer (same settings, same everything) to my LCD monitor - the picture is perfect, just like it's supposed to be. Hook it back up to PJ - the visual nightmare begins. Can't watch movies because they look like they've been filmed in a movie theater room on a cheap $100 camcorder... can't play games because they look like crap... can't do anything really.

Anyone familiar with this problem?

Re: Screwed up gamma with Nvidia-based PC and PJ

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 1:22 pm
by cybereality
Yes, I have had the same issue. I believe they call it "black-crush" it happens with HDMI when the computer thinks the display is a TV (not a monitor) and uses the incorrect color space. I can't recall if I fixed this or not, but I remember having it with an HDMI monitor I tested. There is a solution in this thread that seems like it could help, at least it will give you more stuff to search for:

Re: Screwed up gamma with Nvidia-based PC and PJ

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 5:41 am
by Nuieve
Thanks for the link. Thanks to that discussion I found the solution. Didn't have to modify anything as Nvidia implemented menus in their Control Panel that allow you to change RGB to yCrCb444 and 16-255 color range to 0-255. Picture looks perfect now.

Re: Screwed up gamma with Nvidia-based PC and PJ

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 9:31 am
by cybereality
Great news!